Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

Hi All,

Just in case you wondered if Ed could be convinced to do strange things that he probably would've avoided before becoming a sleep deprived daddy, the photo above should do it. His mom gave Connor the bee suit, and our friend Dan D. had the two adult sized bee suits. Connor and I plan to march in the neighborhood parade later this afternoon, but Ed does have some dignity left and refuses to be seen outside the home in his costume.

Today I am heading up to my office to get my annual flu shot (which became an annual event after I had the flu in 2001!). This means Connor will once more get to enjoy the glare of flourescent lights, which Ed tells him he might as well get used to. Yesterday, we went to a friend's Halloween party and open house and the evening before we celebrate the indictment of Liddy with some other friends. Connor seemed to enjoy both events at times, but also seems to be a little overwhelmed when there are lots of people around. Last night, he actually sucked on his pacifier for quite some time, which was a relief to me as it meant I was no longer the human pacifier! I'm sure when Connor has terrible teeth and traces them back to pacifier use, Ed and I will regret teaching him this new skill, but for now we're pretty excited.

Enjoy the trick-or-treating!

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Goodbye Mims!

Mims left to go back home today. We had a great visit with her. I can happily report that the house is back in order, and I enjoyed a long, guilt free shower each morning she was here. Ed and I even went out on a date without Connor (oh my) while my mom took charge last night. They both were able to eat dinner (something Ed and I could barely accomplish the first few weeks Connor was home) and Connor enjoyed a few naps. Ed and I thoroughly enjoyed dinner and I only called my mom once to make sure everything was going OK - just in case you wondered if I was a worry-wart parent.

During her visit, my mom probably did enough squats (aka "Divine Drops" in the Itsy Bitsy Yoga book) to get her out of needing to do exercise for a few weeks, since that seems to be the thing that calms Connor these days (when he's neither hungry nor has a stinky diaper). She must have some sort of magic touch because the first night she was here, Connor went to bed at 11:30 and didn't wake again until 7:30. It's hard to keep up with her, I guess.

Connor is developing more personality each day. He's dishing out smiles pretty regularly and almost has control of that giant head of his. He can hang out independently now for a bit, and takes a morning nap in his own bed - a real accomplishment in this house.

Above is one of his two Halloween costumes. You can view the other one on Halloween. Connor and I plan to march in the neighborhood parade on Monday, or at least go out and watch the other kids in the neighborhood. Tomorrow, we're going to our second Mom and Baby Yoga class. My tight back is already looking forward to it.


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A visit with Mims!

My mom showed up yesterday to put the house back in order. Unfortunately, the weather changed so Connor was not as chipper as he had been the previous days. Luckily, my mom doesn't seem to mind. In fact, she's flying solo with Connor tomorrow night when Ed and I go on a DATE for Ed's birthday (which isn't until next month, but it'll be fun to celebrate early). We're working on calling her Mims so we'll have Mims and Pappy on my side and Grandma and Grandpa on Ed's side.

Connor is getting so big, that he even sleeps in his own bed for naps - on occasion. He used to just sleep in my arms, so this is a big step. This morning's nap was interrupted twice by packages being delivered, but right now all seems to be going well. It must be my mom's magic presence.

Many thanks to Kellee and Jim for the very cool gifts from China! You'll see photos this summer of my little peanut in his linen outfit that looks totally fabulous. I've also been enjoying the jasmine tea - which was needed yesterday since there was a bit more crying than normal.

The big news around here is that we may have found a nanny for Connor. She has raised eight children, worked in daycares, and worked as a private nanny. Frankly, her experience with children far outshines mine. When she met Connor she went to him so lovingly and gently that I know they'll have a good time. She'll start work sometime in January, after she returns from a trip to Peru.


Friday, October 21, 2005


Yesterday, Connor and Ed went to the doctor for Connor's two month check-up and vaccinations. Can I just say that avoiding the appointment so I didn't have to hear Connor cry when he got the shots was nothing compared to the dose of screaming I got after the Motrin wore off. He cried inconsolably for 20 minutes, at which point he passed out. I called the pediatrician during this bout of crying because NEVER has Connor done this before. The pediatrician's office was busy, so I called the next best thing, another mom of a newborn. She read to me from the baby owner's manual (which I have but was so distracted and distressed by the crying that I never thought about looking at it), and ultimately we decided that the shots could indeed be causing this trauma. The pediatrician then called back and told me this was normal and OK'd giving Connor more Motrin (amen!), which we have continued to give him today on the advice of my sister.

On the bright side, Connor weighed in at 10 pounds, which is not exactly accurate since Ed reported that Connor had a wet diaper and clothes on - but hey, when you've fallen off the growth chart, you need every advantage your daddy can give you. He's almost two feet tall, or should I say, long (since tall seems to imply an upright position which Connor has yet to attain). This puts him in the 50th percentile for length and his head is also in the 50th percentile - woohoo!

Today Connor went to a postpartum yoga class with me and he made an adorable yogi. He started class off sleeping, woke up during the class and entertained himself by staring at one of his favorite toys (a Lamaze Cube) and then got restless at about the time the rest of the class babies got restless at which time he did yoga with me. Yoga definitely agrees with him. I wonder if I'll be able to convince Ed to take him to yoga on Fridays in November and December when I'm back at work?

The photo above was taken yesterday.


Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Bath Time!

Every few days, Connor and Dad get in the tub together to clean up. Ed bathes more regularly than this, but Connor has yet to discover the joy of splashing water everywhere, so bath is more a neutral experience for him than a fun experience. On the suggestion of my friend Lisa, who got the suggestion from her mom, Connor bathes on a big sponge that has made the process significantly easier for Ed and seems to help Connor feel more secure. That's him above!

Tomorrow, I'm heading to the pottery studio while Ed and Connor head to the pediatrician for his two month check-up. Apparently Connor is getting a bundle of immunizations which means I'll be nowhere near the office. Hopefully Connor won't be in a crummy mood following the shots, but I'll understand if he is.


Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Take Two...

Hi All,

Looks like I'm worse at maintaining a blog than I thought I would be - and my standards were pretty low. However, I'm going to try this one more time. Here's where you can now check in to see how fabulous my peanut is!

Today we went to the movies for the first time and saw Elizabethtown. with a group called "reel moms". Basically, you're free to bring your quiet or not so quiet kiddo to the movies and enjoy! Connor must have found the event quite exciting because he couldn't even muster the energy to really throw a good protest at being placed in the carseat (one of his least favorite places) when we left the movie. He didn't even scream all the way out of the garage. He's still sleeping in his hated carseat enjoying some fresh air while I set this up.

Last weekend, Connor's grandparents (Dad's side) came to visit and the weekend before that his Aunt Linda and cousins Anna and Emily were here. (Uncle Bill had been here earlier in the week for a conference.) His grandparents from my side had been out when he was three weeks old - and Grandma Carlene is making her second trip next Monday! I am definitely looking forward to the visit - and I'm sure Connor will enjoy it too (even though Grandma is going to try and get him to sleep independently).