Friday, October 21, 2005


Yesterday, Connor and Ed went to the doctor for Connor's two month check-up and vaccinations. Can I just say that avoiding the appointment so I didn't have to hear Connor cry when he got the shots was nothing compared to the dose of screaming I got after the Motrin wore off. He cried inconsolably for 20 minutes, at which point he passed out. I called the pediatrician during this bout of crying because NEVER has Connor done this before. The pediatrician's office was busy, so I called the next best thing, another mom of a newborn. She read to me from the baby owner's manual (which I have but was so distracted and distressed by the crying that I never thought about looking at it), and ultimately we decided that the shots could indeed be causing this trauma. The pediatrician then called back and told me this was normal and OK'd giving Connor more Motrin (amen!), which we have continued to give him today on the advice of my sister.

On the bright side, Connor weighed in at 10 pounds, which is not exactly accurate since Ed reported that Connor had a wet diaper and clothes on - but hey, when you've fallen off the growth chart, you need every advantage your daddy can give you. He's almost two feet tall, or should I say, long (since tall seems to imply an upright position which Connor has yet to attain). This puts him in the 50th percentile for length and his head is also in the 50th percentile - woohoo!

Today Connor went to a postpartum yoga class with me and he made an adorable yogi. He started class off sleeping, woke up during the class and entertained himself by staring at one of his favorite toys (a Lamaze Cube) and then got restless at about the time the rest of the class babies got restless at which time he did yoga with me. Yoga definitely agrees with him. I wonder if I'll be able to convince Ed to take him to yoga on Fridays in November and December when I'm back at work?

The photo above was taken yesterday.
