Sunday, March 05, 2006

Back from vacation

Last week we went on our annual ski trip out to the wild, wild, west. Per usual, Ed's dad and youngest brother joined us, but this year we had the additional treat of my parents coming along. No, for those of you falling out of your chairs right now, they did not ski. But they did provide excellent childcare while the rest of us (excluding my little man) skiied. We had a great time and my sister has confirmed that my dad is still standing and looking pretty good after having solo baby duty from Wednesday - Friday.

Although Connor did not ski, he did get to enjoy his first pickle! Yes, I am a nutritional goddess. Actually, he swiped the thing from my plate and never looked back once he managed to get it in his mouth and got his gums a chompin! Of course, he wasn't nuts about the mango we tried to give him for dinner tonight. Guess it's never wise to assume your kid will eat anything - even if he did get quite a bit of pickle in him a few days ago!

Life was pretty fabulous for Connor with two granpas, a grandma, and an uncle around. Naturally, Ed and I were available to fawn over him as well. Hopefully he won't have a mental breakdown tomorrow when he has to (gasp) share his nanny! It's not exactly the ratio of adults to kids he's grown accustomed to.

Mims had to leave on Tuesday, and after that, Connor apparently decided it was a men's week all around and abstained from bath for the remainder of vacation. Connor, my friend, you will fit in well in this family. He already belches and farts like a man, so why not adopt the hygiene of one as well.

For amazing feats (beside the pickle, of course) Connor started off vacation by pulling himself up on his bouncy seat - with only balancing help from Ed. We were both totally impressed and decided that's way better than rolling.

Today Connor spent most of the day impressing us with his laughter - and at one point he apparently laughed at / with Ed for no apparent reason, so maybe he was just practicing up hoping something really cool was about to happen.
