Monday, May 22, 2006

Time to contain that baby!

Life around here has been pretty busy, which is my excuse for the very infrequent updates. That, and our most frequent visitors have been out of the country. OK, Aunt Linda may be just as frequent a visitor as Mims and Pappy, but Ed thinks Linda should spend more time monitoring her fantasy team which is in last place in the family league than reading about Connor. Connor, by the way, is in first place - as he has been for most of the season.

Connor continues to perfect his crawl, which now has two official versions. The first crawl is good for carpet. It's the traditional knees on the floor variety. The second crawl is good for hardwood floors when Connor has slippery clothes on his knees. That crawl involves using his feet in place of where his knees would normally be so that he doesn't slip. Yes, my little darling is a complete genius. I won't tell you how many face plants it took for him to develop this survival crawl. (Our home is primarily not carpeted, so learning how to get around on smooth surfaces was fairly essential. As you might suspect, Ed has begun the baby-proofing process.

On Saturday, we went to the baseball game with my office. Amazingly, the Nationals won! Even more amazing, perhaps, was all the entertainment he provided us and my co-workers. Throughout the whole game he was hooting like the rest of the fans (a squeal he had been working on since dawn) and sticking his tongue out and spitting. He also was full of smiles and caused several co-workers to ask me if he was always this happy. I lied. I said YES. Actually, it wasn't much of a lie. Connor is super happy these days.

He and Ed took a walk on Sunday morning and Connor was busy waving at all the dogs. Very cool, those four-legged animals. He also went sort of nuts waving at his nanny when she came to the same bus stop we were at. (Normally, I would walk home from my friend's house with Connor, but I forgot the Baby Bjorn, and even though he is the skinniest baby ever - he's still heavy to carry around. So, we took the bus the few blocks instead.) Very, very cute.

After I got up on Saturday, Connor and I were dancing around in the hallway while he laughed. So much fun, my little man is these days!

He also has learned how to get around on two feet. On Friday, he figured out how to use a step stool we have as a walker. He looked like a little old man scooting the stool and then shuffling his feet behind. Perhaps I should take him to the nursing home so he can show the others how it's done. On Saturday, Ed took the exer-saucer apart which turns into an actual walker. It has three wheels and Connor can walk behind it. He's pretty good on carpet, but it gets away from him on the hardwood floors. The 5 second video of this feat is below.

Welcome back to the country, Mims and Pappy!
