Friday, February 23, 2007

ON the growth chart!

Today, Connor had his belated 18 month appointment. Not only has he FINISHED immunizations for a few years, but he has gained enough weight to make an appearance on the growth chart my doctor uses. It's not a big number, but I cheered (which caused Connor to cheer) when Dr. R. announced he had made it to the 5th percentile (which is not even the lowest bar!). He's still in the 75th percentile for height and head size. When Dr. R. said he had a big head, Connor grabbed his head and said "big". She about fell over when Connor counted to 10 and was totally impressed with all his yammering in the office. She said that he talks a ton, particularly since he's a boy and boys often talk late. Ed's response to that news "well, I guess he takes after you in some ways". Connor also barely cried when he got his two shots, and was quickly over it when he was rewarded with two stickers. I look forward to finding where he decides to put those two stickers when I come home this evening.
