Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Yes Connor, you are definitely ours.

In the seven plus months that Connor has lived on the outside world, there have certainly been times when we wondered if he was really ours. In reality, we know he is, because I gave birth to him at home. This means there is no possibility he was switched with another baby in a hospital nursery (one of many benefits of a home birth - plus you get to see the shocked look on your neighbor's faces when they find out all the hullaballoo at your house one morning was you giving birth!). And, I know he is the child who I gave birth to because during the first few weeks of his life, the only time he was not within sight of either Ed or myself are the few hours he spent with my parents during his 4th week of life (thanks for the nap and letting me run an errand!). And after that, he started looking like an actual person instead of just the most adorable baby we'd ever laid eyes on. That, and about that time is when folks started pointing out that Connor looks exactly like Ed (except for the one kind lady at the Breastfeeding Center who said "Wow - he sure has your eyes!"). However, we question Connor is ours when he wakes early on the weekend and occasionally looks at us like we are too weird for spit-up. But...we now know for certain he is ours, because he is as impressed with our robotic vacuum as we are - and that means he's highly impressed!

Just at the point Connor thought he had Roomba figured out, Ed lifted his foot up so Roomba went beneath it rather than bouncing off it. That was very exciting, in case you didn't know.

I also know that Connor is our because at times, he looks like a complete goofball, just like his dad!

And finally, I know he is mine because he has dreams of being in the marching band some day.

A belated Happy Birthday to Grandma H. who celebrated a birthday yesterday.
