Thursday, June 15, 2006

10 month follow-up

Today was the big 10 month follow-up (see "good-bye growth chart") appointment with the doctor and it started like this.

Doctor "So, tell me why you're here today. Ten months is an odd time to come in for a visit."

Me "Because last month you told my husband we had to come back in a month because Connor was so skinny."

Doctor "Oh yes, now I remember..."

Not a very impressive way to start a visit. Well, Connor gained a bit of weight, and is now almost on the bottom line of the growth chart, and the doctor proclaimed he is no longer worried about Connor's growth. When he asked if we let Connor decide when to stop eating or if we limit his portions, it was VERY difficult not to stare at him blankly blinking my eyes and say "you mean we're supposed to be feeding him?"

Anyway, what the doctor FORGOT to point out to Ed last month was that Connor's head has moved up to the NINETIETH percentile and his length is in the SEVENTYFIFTH percentile - which I must say is fairly impressive. The head size must be because he is so smart!

He can now work part of the shape sorting toy that his Aunt Heather and Uncle Rick gave him for Christmas (he's had a lot of fun banging it around prior to this) and he knows that if he pulls the string on a helium balloon it will come down to his level. Genius, I tell you.
