Monday, July 24, 2006

Your has been made known.

Lately, Connor has perhaps reached another very important milestone...the ability to throw a temper tantrum. It's not really all that impressive, yet, but it portends a difficult future, perhaps. The funny thing is, he displayed this new talent twice in one day - first for me, and then for Ed. In the evening, Ed remarked "I think Connor may have just thrown his first temper tantrum" to which I said "or maybe his second". Lucky for the little man he is still incredibly cute so it's hard to make too much of it.

Speaking of which, Ed had the audacity to say that Connor may have reached his peak cuteness as in, kid, it may be all downhill from here. Clearly, I married an idiot. I pointed out that Connor could not have reached his peak cuteness because he kept getting new curls. Later that day, Ed decided that Connor was not on the downhill path of cute - so I let Ed continue to sleep with me rather than outside in the shed.

On Saturday, Connor went to the baseball game and enjoyed the first four innings napping in my arms. This reminded Ed and I of the first game we took Connor to. I was on maternity leave (and Ed was on paternity leave). It was a day game and Connor was about three weeks old. We went to the game and Connor fell dead asleep. In fact, he was sleeping so soundly that Ed and I left the game early because we'd never seen him sleep that long. That was the first and last time we ever worried about him sleeping too much. Anyway, when Connor woke up he was an absolute delight, pointing out all of the lovely lights, the people, clapping, shouting, and high fiving. As I was exiting the stadium with him, two ladies sitting a few rows back remarked how cute he was pointing everything out (see Ed...he's cute enough for random strangers to comment!) and how entertaining he was throughout the game. Yeah...that's my guy.

Connor continues to love books. Which is really great because shortly after Connor was born, Ed's office threw us a baby shower and everyone brought in favorite childhood books. Clearly, the folks have great taste because there hasn't been a dud in the bunch - though some are for older kids and haven't been tested yet.

We've almost made it to the one year mark. Wow. I can hardly believe it.

Oh...I broke down and hired a housecleaner. I'm sure the realtor would be proud of this development! My parents are probably also quite happy since they're planning to visit in a few weeks. There should be much less dust and less need for them to put my house back together - a feat my mother has done on more than one occasion since Connor was born - with my dad taking the lead on outside chores at one point. This all means there's more time for playing bridge.
