Sunday, July 16, 2006

11 Months Old!

Dad's here guest blogging again, (which has nothing to do whatsover with the lateness of the post).

Dear Connor,

Happy 11 Month Birthday. And what a month it's been. You're really starting to figure the world out, and to realize just how much fun it is. We can't take you for a walk without you constantly pointing out everything (and saying Da).

Water has been a big theme this month. You tried the ocean for the first time (very scary), a pool (pretty cool, but too many kids thrashing about) and a lake (perfect, lots of fun, just like grandma thought). But you actually seeemed most impressed by the water all over the kitchen floor when the dishwasher broke.

And the food. Goodbye mush, you can now eat table food with the best of the them. Salmon, corn on the cob, cherries,tomatoes, cucumbers, necatrines, brocoli - you eat them all. You even demanded the lemon from my plate tonight, then proceeded to actually eat it (not the peel though). I feel much better about your diet these days.

I think I've finally gotten used to having you around. Exhibit A: At the beach, you slept in a playpen in our bedroom. I'm told that I slept right through you screaming at the top of your lungs just 5 feet away.

I have a few tidbits of advice to offer that might help you make it to your second year.

Be kind to Mom - you still need her. So when she's holding you, it's not a good idea to cry when dad leaves the room. And when you are asked to say Ma-Ma, try to come up with something better than Phhhht.

People in the family other than Sarah the dog have things to offer. You seemed to be scared of everyone in Elaine's family - her parents, sister, and nieces - but the dog - no fear whatsoever. I think Aunt Linda even was a little offended that you wouldn't let any family members touch you, but you had no problem letting the goats at the petting zoo nibble on your ears.

The little guy shouldn't be the antagonist. Head butting mom in the nose, using babies twice your size as jungle gyms, and snatching dad's glasses of his face and taunting him -- these are all bad ideas for the little guy.

Always have an exit strategy. Climbing the stairs without a plan to get down is bad strategy.

Graciously accept gifts. If dad gives you a an electronic monkey that you can chase around, don't burst into tears at the first sight of it.

And a late addition - just today, you learned to clap.