Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Busy weekend and new jobs around the house

Last weekend, Ed's parents and brother were in town for the games against the Yanks. And, despite trying to lose two of the three games, the Nats managed to win them instead. We had tickets to the Sunday game (Father's Day), but the little man and I had to make an early exit. Despite sitting in very expensive seats and being in the shade, Connor wasn't in the mood for baseball. He had petitioned the nap committee to abstain from nap that day, and despite the committee's attempts to overrule him, he did, indeed, skip his morning nap for the most part. He caught a couple of zzz's when Ed and his brother walked to the subway with him, but that was it.

He did get a nice nap on the subway ride home and a nice nap with me after that. Even so, something was bothering him because he didn't perk up like he normally does. Maybe he's going to impress me with a couple of additonal teeth in the next few weeks.

On Monday morning, Connor had apparently had enough excitement. I went to work early to give a presentation (on child care issues, no less) and Ed reports that Connor was playing in the living room - until Grandma came upstairs, at which time Connor crawled back to the playroom to get a little "alone time", only to discover that Uncle Mike was back there. So, back down the hallway Connor crawled and into the kitchen - but Grandpa was in there. Eventually, I guess he just had to be a little social. Before everyone got on a plane, Connor was more willing to play, but when I got home that afternoon it was the happiest he'd been in a little while. And, he was exhausted when I put him to bed. I think Ed wore him out. They clearly had a fun time playing together.

Connor has two new jobs around the house. The first is to pull all of the clothes on the lower shelf in his closet off (and I've decided to leave them there because he seems to take such great pleasure in it) and the second is to water the tomatoes. I believe Connor and I will be winning the "first tomato of the year contest", a contest that allows the winner to have bragging rights until the next year. We have TWO tomatoes that are eating size. I just need them to turn red. Ed and my dad also have tomatoes, but they are smaller than mine. Not sure if my sister has an entrant in the contest this year or not. The great thing about watering with Connor is that he has figured out he can put his hand over the end of the hose and soak us both. He takes a lot of pleasure in this.
