He can sit!
Yes, my little man is even more amazing now than he was last week. Yesterday morning, I put him on his stomach and he managed to get to a sitting upright position. It took a lot of effort on his part but it was so amazing watching his slow motion maneuver to first get one foot underneath him to form a base and then slowly, every so slowly, pedal his hands backwards until he wound up on his bottom.
He has also learned to make a motion with his mouth that would be blowing bubbles if he were underwater, but instead is just sort of spitting. Since it has yet to involve his dinner, it's pretty cute, but I imagine that could change in a minute when peas are all over my face!
Ed has been playing Jedi mind tricks on Connor. Apparently sweet potatoes are the gateway vegetable, because Ed can mix almost anything with them and Connor will eat them. But, lest he be outdone, Connor has been playing Jedi mind tricks on me. One of his favorite activities is pulling my placemat and hoping that my plate will come crashing to the ground. A few nights ago, Connor first attempted the straight out pull, but obviously I have mastered this and can catch my plate before chaos ensues. But, the little man looked out the window as if he were interested in something, got me to follow his gaze, and then snatched the placemat. Fake right, go left. Luckily with Ed around we have a pretty decent double team going and Ed was able to catch the plate.
And here is my most recent parenting revelation. Here I am, writing about all of the things Connor is doing - and all across the globe there are other mommies writing about essentially the same thing. And you know what? We're all unbelievably impressed at these mundane acts. I think that this is so fabulous, and something I'm happy to be a part of.
Baseball season starts on Sunday. Connor has his first fantasy team. We'll see how he does against the rest of the family.
This final photo was taken last night. Every night I read Connor 3-4 books before bedtime. He's gotten to the point that if he sees a book sitting on the chair he will reach for it and not start nursing until the book has been read. This means that I must deposit books beneath the chair after I read them so he can't see them anymore.