Sunday, March 26, 2006

Why are we so weird?

I went to another consignment sale to pick-up some toys for Connor on the cheap and met a woman carrying her 8 month old in a sling. So, I just had to try it out with Connor. per usual, Connor was not impressed, though later on in the weekend he seemed to enjoy it more. I think he must constantly be wondering why he got such weird parents who can't just carry him around all the time! We never got him in there stable enough to not have to worry about him dumping out, but hopefully we'll master that skill soon - since the sling is not really an "arm's free device" if one has to use one arm to stabilize the child in the sling.

As usual, it was a fun weekend. Ed built a shed which will hold our bikes, Connor's jogging stroller, and the bike trailer my sister gave me. Now we can use the basement storage area and the garden shed for their originaly purposes.

We held the "My Wife's No Longer Stout" beer-tapping last night. It was a beer that was named at our baby shower in the "beer-naming" contest. It turned out quite nicely. Connor slept through the party, but managed to finagle his way into our bed by about 2 AM because I didn't have the energy to resist. Next weekend, we are entering the world of paid babysitting and my boss's teen-age daughter is going to come over. Hopefully Connor will sleep through the whole event, but if not, we'll only be about 4 blocks away.
