Saturday, April 22, 2006

Does he look sick to you?

Two Sundays ago, Connor had a fever, accompanied by some obvious pain and lots of drool. Like the amateurs we are, we diagnosed this as a tooth coming in. The fever went away instantly with some baby dope. The same thing happened on Monday. The sequence did not repeat itself after that, but his nose started running and now he seemed like he had a cold. Finally, last Thursday, I decided his cough was getting icky enough that it was time to call in the professionals - and voila - turns out he has an ear infection. I will point out though, that the doctor said it wasn't very bad, that I probably caught it quite early, and that it was the appropriate time to come in. All this is to say, Connor, if you actually acted sick and were grumpy, you'd probably get better care around here.

In the midst of all of this, Connor is really acting like he wants to learn to crawl - although if he could skip this and go straight to walking, that would suit him just fine as well.

He is also an absolute champion at pulling himself from sitting to standing, using the clothes basket. (Please don't ask why he was in the clothes basket in the first place - let's just say Ed was involved.)

And...tonight, my little sweetheart rolled over - TWICE - from back to front. Most importantly, he didn't look scared when it happened - he looked sort of proud.
