Wednesday, August 09, 2006

First encounter with sugar and he's such a brute!

Ed and I made a huge rookie mistake, one that we hope we won't repeat for quite some time. Because we were with Ed's whole family, and it was only a week before his actual birthday, Ed and I decided to let Connor have his first encounter with refined sugar. We chose a chocolate cupcake.
Naturally, Connor loved it (because really, would it be possible for a child of mine not to adore chocolate?). The mistake came in choosing the timing of the encounter. He had the cupcake at the conclusion of dinner. This is too late in the day for him to have sugar, apparently. He woke up around 1:00 and was so wired that he would not lie down next to me. It was also over 90 degrees and there was no AC in the lakehouse, so when I went to take him out on the screened in porch, we ran into Ed's dad trying to catch a few zzzs. Eventually, I was able to contain him in an overstuffed chair where I held him and he nursed. After about an hour, I was able to toss him back in the pack and play and get a little sleep. We will be having cake EARLY in the day on Saturday when we celebrate his actual birthday.

I also learned that Connor is a brute. His cousin Katie is just a few weeks younger than him (so we also got to celebrate her birthday at the lake). One afternoon, Connor was playing his game where he bats a ball and then chases it, bats it again, and crawls after it again. Katie got in the middle of the game deciding she would like the ball. She took off with it and Connor took off right after her. She would stop to check on his progress and he would then tackle her. It was really quite funny. The two of them had Ed's mom, Ed, and me in stitches. They repeated the game a few times that weekend. Now I wonder if he spends his days tackling Lydia!


PS: When Ed dropped Connor off with the nanny today, he promptly tackled Lydia. Apparently our nanny calls this "hugging". So that's what he was doing to Katie (though it looked an awful lot like tackling to the untrained eye).