Saturday, August 26, 2006

A hair-do of his own

Connor is one handsome devil these days! I lost his brush amidst all of his other million things, and I guess this was the end result! Luckily, I found the brush this morning before his 1 year old photos were taken. Not having it could have been tragic.

Connor is also getting much more adventurous these days. Yesterday, when we went to Ed's office to meet him before heading to the Sculpture Garden for a jazz concert, he ventured completely out of sight of both Ed and me. He sat about 5 feet away for a few seconds, and then came crawling back. He seemed very proud of himself. He later taught his friend Zoe how to eat dirt. Her mom was very appreciative of the new skill he shared. Hopefully he'll be able to teach her many other great skills in the near future.
