Monday, September 18, 2006

First Weekend Away

Last weekend, some friends and I went on our annual Spa Weekend / Outlet Mall Shopping Challenge. This meant I was away from Connor for the first night – ever. I slept all night long without anyone waking up at some random interval hollering just to see if I was there – or anyone nursing all night – or anyone putting their very hot, but very tiny feet on my tummy. And even though I needed the sleep and was glad for the trip, I missed all of these things. Although Connor cried when Ed dropped me off at my friend’s house, apparently it was just for show because by the time Ed had turned the corner, Connor was silent. I think he might have been contemplating all the havoc he and Ed could reap with no Mom / Wife influence present in the house.

I am happy to report, that when I returned 32 hours later, our brick home had not burned to the ground. Nobody was sitting in the middle of the floor crying. Connor was napping.

Since my return, Connor has been very busy walking around the joint, exploring, and laughing with this huge laugh that requires him to breathe in first. It’s super cute.

This evening, Ed remarked that Connor might need a haircut. While I agree, in theory, I’m sort of curious what his hair will do if it keeps growing – and I’m not quite sure I’m ready to see Connor’s “look” change. While I was bathing him this evening, I asked him who we should get to cut his hair and very emphatically, he responded “DA DA”. I told him, in what I’m sure will be a recurring theme in his life “no way, Buster”.

Happy to be home,