Wednesday, August 30, 2006

He IS a genius!

Yesterday afternoon, Connor was playing in a pack-and-play that had several toys in it. I said to him "Could you please hand me a ball?". He picked up several of the toys in the crib and rooted around a bit - all the while looking away from me - until he found both balls that were in the pack-and-play. At that point, he looked up at me with a big grin, one ball in each hand, and gave them to me. Clearly, he is gifted.

And...I LOVE Connor's new nanny, and he seems to love her to. On her first day, she was in the playroom with the new child we share a nanny with and Connor was in the sitting room with me playing. At one point, he decided he would see what was going on in the playroom. Not only did he crawl down the hallway by himself - without insisting I follow - he entered the playroom and joined in the play, with nary a glance back. Given that Connor is not the most accepting of new people, I consider this a miracle. She also was able to get him to take a nice morning nap and even commented that Connor was EASY to put to sleep - another characteristic I do not associate with my child. Whatever spirit has possessed my baby seems to be doing fine though, so hopefully it'll last.
