Wednesday, September 27, 2006

The Museum That Almost Cost Me My Marriage

We finally did it. We made it to the much touted Building Museum, and Connor loved it. Which is a good thing because Ed about divorced me over it. After driving downtown, I searched for a little while for a parking space. Not wanting to push our luck with Connor in the car, Ed offered to continue the search while Connor and I got out of the car. I took the liberty to go into the museum, find the children’s play area, and hang out there with Connor.

Fortunately, there were few children in the area, so Connor could pretty much do as he pleased. The first thing he did was find a dump truck, and then he proceeded to make the back go up and bang down. Imagine it – children playing quietly all around him, and him making this incredibly loud sound banging the truck about. Each time he dropped it, I was certain his little fingers would get smashed.

Then, Connor moved onto this cool little house, which he was the king of – until he had to share with a younger kid, but even that was fine. Connor could stand up much better than the other child and open and shut the little windows with ease while the other kid entertained himself with the door.

Next we moved onto another area where Connor could play with these giant, soft cubes. We were having a ball. But I was really wondering where the heck Ed was. We kept walking out of the area to look at the main floor of the museum, but there was no sign of him.

After quite some time had passed, when I was really feeling guilty that Ed was out there trying to park the car while Connor and I were inside having fun, I discovered Ed. Apparently he had been looking for us all over. He was not happy. Luckily, Connor can still smile and melt Ed’s heart. Otherwise, Ed might have killed me for not waiting outside. Next time, we agreed, I would wait wherever I was dropped off.
